Minggu, 03 Januari 2010

FEINWERKBAU Air Rifle Model 700 Universal

The compressed-air rifle with the technical design of the series of Model 700 is also available in a classical design in a stock made of laminated wood. This stock of warp free white laminated wood is available in a right- or left-handed version.
The ergonomically designed stock allows due to different possibilities of adjustment of the butt plate and cheek piece an adaption to the shooter.
 By fixing a wedge (special accessories) in the rail of the stock, the Model 700 Universal can be used for shooting on a rest. The wedge is made of the same laminated wood as the stock and suits perfectly to the rifle - not only from optical aspects. To use the rifle for shooting on a rest further special accessories are needed. [Picture shows model with wedge for shooting on a rest, increasing of the sight line and special butt plate for shooting on a rest].

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